Worship Services
Nursery care for infants is provided every Sunday during worship and during special services or programs. NUCC offers Sunday School for school-age children. They are dismissed from worship after the Time for Children.
Nursery Care:
Nursery care is available for children ages 6 months to 4 years during our worship services.
Sunday School:
We welcome all preschool and elementary children to attend Sunday School. The children stay with their families in the service to participate in the Time for Children, after which they are dismissed to the Sunday School classrooms upstairs in Nelson Hall. From October to May, when we have two services, we encourage families with children to attend the 9 a.m. service so their children can participate in Sunday Children’s Ministry programming. Sunday School is not offered during the 11 a.m. service.
Communion Sundays and Cans for Communion
On the first Sunday of every month, children are invited to participate in the sacrament of Communion with their parents and the congregation. Also on the first Sundays, we also collect canned goods for Grace Place, one of our mission partners. Families are invited to donate non-perishables.
Service and Justice
We teach the importance of serving the community and encourage youth and family participation in volunteer service projects, which provide assistance to those in our community. We also participate in a number of events during the year which promote justice for all people.
Confirmation Program
The NUCC Youth Group gatherings focus on fostering relationships through fun, faith-based activities and meets on the first and third Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. Some activities are bowling, going to the movies, participating in beach cleanups, hosting a pancake breakfast, Christmas caroling, visiting elders, nature walks, yoga, Bible study, and more! NUCC Youth Group is open to all youth, in middle and high school (NUCC membership not required). For more information about the NUCC Youth Group please contact
info@naplesucc.org or by calling our church office; (239) 261-5469.
Children’s Ministry Afterschool Programs
Children’s Ministry at Naples UCC strives to enrich the lives of your children by supporting families in faith formation. Splash is offered for children ages 5 to 12 years old on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We have participants arriving at different times from various different schools in our community, so come at the time that works best for your schedule and hop right in! Through music, faith stories, crafts, games and fun, we provide opportunities to grow friendships and faith. The SPLASH! program includes participation in the Naples UCC Children’s Choir. Children rehearse with Dr. Becky Weese-Rumpf from 4:15 to 5:00 p.m. in Beverly Hall.
Children who attend Sea Gate Elementary will be picked up and walked over to the church by the Director of Children’s Ministry and a volunteer parent (if a release for transportation has been signed).
Parents should pick up their children on NUCC campus promptly at 5:00 p.m.

Children & Youth Choir
Children & Youth Choir sings in worship a few times a year. The choir will sing during the 4 p.m. Children’s Service on Christmas Eve and in worship at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services on select days. (Winter and spring singing are yet to be determined.)
Youth and Children's Ministry
Naples United Church of Christ recognizes that parents are their children’s primary faith role models — and we all take this journey together. The Children’s Ministry provides the much-needed tools for parents to help their children and themselves learn about worship, faith and what it means to be a Christian. All children and youth are welcome to attend our programs, whether or not their parents are members of Naples UCC. We welcome everyone at any time and have a safe church policy.